Hello Antelope Fans!!


Here is some very important information regarding senior pictures!!

WEST TEXAS PHOTOGRAPHY will be the company coming in to provide the photography services; we THANK DAMON WEST and his crew for coming out!!

Here is the information for when the event occurs and how to order pics of your senior!!


Whiteface High School Senior CAP & GOWN/TUX & DRAPE PHOTOS Senior Photos with WEST TEXAS PHOTOGRAPHY August 30, 2023 are coming up soon! As you prepare for the day, here are a few things to keep in mind and help you plan. Be sure that your hair, makeup, glasses, etc. are all fixed in a way that you like and in which you feel confident! LADIES: GENTLEMEN: Wear or bring a CAMI/TANK TOP (or 01 something similar) that can be pulled low off 01 of your shoulders underneath the drape, and will not show with the low neckline of the Wear aT-SHIRT OR UNDERSHIRT that you can keep on under the tuxedo shirt, jacket, and tie that we will provide gown. We DO have one you can borrow if you forget, but it takes longer for you to go change into it than if you wear one of your own. 02 HANDS will show in one of the poses we shoot, so be sure they're clean and well groomed 02 FINGERNAILS will show in one of the cap and gown poses we shoot, so be sure they're clean, well-groomed, and painted if desired Several of the gown photos will NOT have 03 the cap on your head, so make sure your HAIR IS FIXED the way that you like it. Several of the photos will NOT have the cap on your head, so make sure yourlAIR IS FIXED 03 the way that you like it. 04 We will provide an optional pearl necklace for the drape; you may bring a nice NECKLACE of your own to wear, or not wear a necklace at all. WEST TEXAS Dusting? Requests? Special neels? HELP@WESTTEXASPHOTO.COM FEEL FREE TO LET US KNOW! CALL/TEXT 806-368-4180